On the Effectiveness of Linear Models for One-Class Collaborative Filtering

Suvash Sedhain, Aditya Krishna Menon, Scott Sanner, Darius Braziunas


In many personalised recommendation problems, there are examples of items users prefer or like, but no examples of items they dislike. A state-of-the-art method for such implicit feedback, or one-class collaborative filtering (OC-CF), problems is SLIM, which makes recommendations based on a learned item-item similarity matrix. While SLIM has been shown to perform well on implicit feedback tasks, we argue that it is hindered by two limitations: first, it does not produce user-personalised predictions, which hampers recommendation performance; second, it involves solving a constrained optimisation problem, which impedes fast training. In this paper, we propose LRec, a variant of SLIM that overcomes these limitations without sacrificing any of SLIM’s strengths. At its core, LRec employs linear logistic regression; despite this simplicity, LRec consistently and significantly outperforms all existing methods on a range of datasets. Our results thus illustrate that the OC-CF problem can be effectively tackled via linear classification models.

In proceedings of the Thirtieth Conference on Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2016), Phoenix, 2016.

author = "Suvash Sedhain, Aditya Krishna Menon, Scott Sanner, Darius Braziunas",
title = "On the Effectiveness of Linear Models for One-Class Collaborative Filtering",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the Thirtieth AAAI Conference",
address = "Phoenix, AZ",
year = "2016"}


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